Terms of Use

Last updated: March 24, 2022

Ah, easily the most boring and yet one of the most important parts of a website: a legal page. And we’ve got several here on Engineering Your FI (“we”, “us”, or “our”) – fun! This page describes our terms of use (“Terms of Use”), also known as Terms and Conditions.

These Terms of Use are legally binding. We know that sounds scary/legalistic, but really it just means that when you visit/read this site, or use any products or services we’re selling, you agree to abide by these Terms of Use. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from accessing this site or using any products or services we offer. So it’s important that you read this page!

What’s the point of this page? It provides the reader/visitor/customer (“you”, “your”, “user”) information on the rules we have here on Engineering Your FI, our intellectual property and the license we provide, and other important aspects of using our website, products, and services.

The Rules

To keep users safe while interacting with Engineering Your FI, we’ve established some rules we call “Do’s and Don’ts”, which you agree to follow by using this website or any product or service we offer.

First off, the “Do’s”:

  • DO comply with any relevant laws and regulations in your jurisdiction.
  • DO reach out to us if you detect or suspect any anomalous behavior or ill-intentioned actions have occurred on the site, especially for any violations of the terms specified on this page.
  • DO expect that you will no longer be welcome on our site or able to purchase products or services from us if you knowingly violate the terms specified on this page.

Second, the “Don’ts”:

  • DON’T upload, email, post, or provide in any way any content which violates any copyright, trademark, privacy, or intellectual property rights (or really anything you don’t have permission to provide, such as confidential information).
  • DON’T commit any kind of fraud, including providing false, misleading, or deceptive information, or performing any other deceitful actions. Some examples of fraud include impersonating someone else, or misleading others regarding your associations. 
  • DON’T perform any actions or provide in any way any content which others may perceive as harassment, threatening, defamatory, abusive, or hateful. No room for that kind of awfulness here!
  • DON’T provide in any way any content that reveals personal information of someone else without their permission.
  • DON’T spam others with unsolicited advertising.
  • DON’T attempt to gain unauthorized access to any products, services, or administrative parts of the site.
  • DON’T attempt to employ any viruses, adware, information collection mechanisms such as keystroke loggers, automated query programs such as bots, or any other programs/code that has malicious intent.

Intellectual Property and Limited Use License

All content provided on EngineringYourFI.com, including any content in products or services offered (free or purchased), collectively referred to as our “Intellectual Property”, is protected by applicable copyright law, relevant trademark law, and any other relevant intellectual property rights we are afforded.

We grant a limited, non-sublicensable, non-transferable, revocable license to download and use our Intellectual Property for personal, non-commercial use. You may not copy, resell, distribute to other persons directly or via “mirroring” on a server, translate, republish or publicly display, or otherwise use our Intellectual Property for any non-personal or commercial use, unless you’ve received direct explicit written consent from us. Additionally, if you download any content from us for personal use, you must keep relevant copyright and proprietary notations with the materials. Your license is for individual use only, and you cannot assign or transfer the above license rights or obligations to others.

If you violate any of the licensing rules above, or any other aspects of these Terms of Use, we will terminate your access to our Intellectual Property, require that you destroy any of our Intellectual Property that you’ve downloaded or saved, and invoice you for any damages.

Email Exclusives

We may send exclusive content and offers to Engineering Your FI email subscribers. If you unsubscribe, you acknowledge that you will no longer have access to the exclusive content and offers. And as stated in the Privacy Policy, we will never sell, rent, or lease your personal information, including your email address.

Zero Warranties and Liability

The content on this website and in all products and services we offer is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. In other words, we don’t have any warranties (expressed or implied) for our content. We also don’t have any warranties or make any representations that our website, products, and services are guaranteed to be fully current, complete, suitable, valid, and free of errors/bugs/unintentionally harmful features or viruses. While we of course do our best to ensure these items are not present, some may slip through, including technical, typographical, or photographic errors. Please contact us if you uncover any of these items, though we do not make any guarantees we will update our content, and we may make changes to our content at any time without notice. We also do not warrant that employing ideas or tools provided within our content or products or services is guaranteed to produce desired results. We also do not have any warranties regarding the content of any sites that link to our site. 

Engineering Your FI and all our partners and suppliers are not liable for any damages or losses that might occur from consuming our content or using our products or services (or inability to access our content/products/services), including any loss of money/profit, data, customers, goodwill, or other personal or business losses or damages.


There are a number of links to other websites on the Engineering Your FI website, and we are not responsible for the contents of these other websites, nor do we imply endorsement of these sites by including links to the sites. Please tread with caution when visiting any new site – visiting any of the linked websites from Engineering Your FI is at the user’s own risk.

Purchase Payments and Fees

If you purchase any products or services from Engineering Your FI, you are responsible for the cost of the purchase and any applicable fees and taxes (though we try hard to eliminate or reduce any fees – not a fan of them ourselves). We require complete, accurate, and current billing information when you make a purchase. If you have signed on for an ongoing service with recurring payments, it is especially important that the payment method be kept up-to-date, to avoid unnecessary fees. If your payment method is not kept up-to-date and is thus declined, you agree to pay all applicable fees and taxes due upon demand. If we have to resort to a collection agency and/or pay for attorney fees to obtain the unpaid balance, you agree to also cover these collection costs.

Website Uptime

Unfortunately there may be times when access to engineeringyourfi.com and/or our products or services is restricted or completely unavailable, such as during required website maintenance or upgrades. That’s the reality of running a website unfortunately. However, we will strive to keep these interruptions to a minimum.

International Visitors

The primary audience of this site is currently people that live in the United States, but we recognize that some readers/visitors/customers may live outside the US. If you are one of these readers/visitors/customers, you are responsible for complying with all applicable laws in your country.


This site is intended for use by adults over the age of 18. We encourage adults to work with their children if they have interest in the content and products offered by Engineering Your FI.

Changes to Terms of Use

Many (most?) sites will state that their Terms of Use (or Terms and Conditions) are subject to change without notice, or at most the “effective date” at the top of the Terms of Use page will be updated and users are expected to regularly review the Terms of Use in detail. Of course this means they could radically change the Terms of Use, and very few (if any) users would be aware of that happening. That doesn’t sit well with us.

So, while we reserve the right to change our Terms of Use at any time, we will do our best to communicate any significant changes via email to our users, with a “plain language” explanation of the changes. We will also update the effective date at the top of this page. For changes we deem non-significant, e.g. fixing a typo or grammatical error, we will not bother spamming all our readers – we will just update the effective date at the top of this page.

If you continue to use the site and/or our products and/or services after the Terms of Use are modified, that use constitutes your acceptance and agreement to the latest version of our Terms of Use.

Governing Law

All claims or other matters relating to or arising out of these Terms of Use shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas without regard to conflicts of laws provisions which would result in the application of other laws.

Termination and Severability

We reserve the right to shut down and/or fully halt the website and sale of any products or services at any time and for any purpose without prior notice, which includes terminating these terms of use. Now, that is very unlikely to happen of course – nominally we’ll give our readers/visitors/customers plenty of notice if we do decide to shut down our site or stop selling or supporting any of our products or services. 

Regarding severability, if for some reason any part of these Terms of Use are deemed invalid, prohibited, or unenforceable under current law, all other provisions of these Terms of Use will remain in effect.

Contact Us

As with any other content on Engineering Your FI, if you have any questions regarding these Terms of Use, please don’t hesitate to contact us.