Last fall I met Dr. Emily Roberts of Personal Finance for PhDs at the personal finance conference FinCon in New Orleans. I was thrilled to meet a fellow PhD at FinCon, we are a rare breed in that community.
We had a great conversation, and she asked me to join her on her Personal Finance for PhDs Podcast later in the year.
So last November we recorded an episode and again had a really great conversation. Today she published that conversation as episode 9 of her 17th season.
A couple main points of discussion if I remember were correctly were:
- Whether a grad student should put excess savings in a Roth or Traditional IRA
- The benefits of part-time work after achieving Financial Independence, especially for someone that spent years in grad school getting a PhD
You can check it out on Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, or anywhere else you listen to podcasts (just search for “Personal Finance for PhDs”, it’s Season 17, Episode 8). I personally prefer using the Pocket Casts app on Android.